fredag 6. november 2009

Novelleanalyse " Kanskje for alltid"

”Kanskje for alltid” er ei novelle av Ingvild H. Risnøi. Novella er fra samlinga ”La stå” som ble gitt ut i fjor (2008). Temaene i novella er vennskap, kjærlighet og det med å vokse opp. Den har typiske novelletrekk som få personer, få steder og overraskende slutt.

”Kanskje for alltid” handler om Maria som bor på en gård sammen med mora sin og hjerneskade nabogutt, Jon. Jon bor i en egen leilighet, mens Maria og mora bor rett overfor denne leiligheten (hun trenger bare å gå gjennom hekken så er hun der). Maria er veldig glad i Jon og tilbringer mye tid sammen med han. Hun tar vare på han og leker gjemsel med han. En dag når Maria er tolv år sier moren med middagsbordet at de på skolen mente at Maria kanskje skulle begynne å være med andre og ikke bare med Jon.Dette kan være fordi Jon er hjerneskadet og at hun kanskje da også må bli kjent med noen normalt fungerend barn. Maria blir sint og smeller dør, etterpå går hun over til Jon. Når hun er atten år flytter hun ut for å studere til lærer i byen. Dette liker Jon dårlig. Fire år sener kommer hun tilbake til gården nesten ferdig utdannet lærer. I løpet av de årene har hun fått brev av moren om at katten er død og at Jon begynner å oppføre seg merkelig. Tilbake på gården drar Maria og Jon tilbake til Berghylla for å overnatte. Der gjennom opplevde de igjen det de hadde opplevde i barndommen da de var fjorten år.Som fjorten åringer overnattet de også på berghylla, det kan virke som det var romantikk inni bilde den gang.

”Kanskje for alltid” er ei tredjepersonsfortelling. Det står én utenfor handling som har innsyn i Marias liv og får ta del i det som skjer. Noen ganger kommer det enkelt replikker fra Maria, moren og Jon, men for det meste er det fortelleren som legger fram hva som skjer.

Novella begynner med at Maria og Jon ligger på kne ved en bekk for å fange rumpetroll i et syltetøyglass. Det blir fortalt at de begge var seks år og at Maria viser Jon hvordan han skal fange dem. Fra starten når jeg ser tittelen og får vite om disse to barna, begynner jeg og tenke på vennskap, om at det kanskje skal vare evig, eller om det kommer ane på noe som skjer. Det kan jo også være at vennskapet blir mer en et vennskap…(?)

Novella er kronologisk fortalt, fra start til slutt. Nesten hvert avsnitt starter med å presentere hvilken alder de er i. Det starter med når de er 6 år og slutter med når de er 22 år gammel. Leseren får være med Maria og Jon gjennom barndommen deres, med opp og nedturer, fram til de når voksenlivet.

Et av de dramatiske høydepunktene i novella er når Maria reiser inn til byen. Leseren blir spent på hva som vil skje videre, vil Maria komme tilbake og vil Jon klare seg uten Maria. Når Maria får brev fra mora stiger spenningen enda mer ” hadde det ikke vært for at jeg kjente han, ville jeg nok blitt skremt. Hun la begge hendene rundt koppen, hadde det ikke vært for at jeg kjente han, hun så ut av vinduet, han står midt ute på tunet og ser mot huset vårt hele dagen”Man forstår at Maria reagerer med avsky på det moren skriver, ved å gjenta en av setningene i brevet. Hun syns moren er teit som ikke forstår at Jon savner henne og at det er ikke unormalt å gjøre slikt når man er hjerneskadet. Den natten drømmer Maria. Hun våkner opp og ”ser” forskjellige ting ligge på siden av sengen sin, ting fra barndommen. ”Da hun snudde seg, og på sprekken midt i senga lå en jente, hun hadde oransje pyse og hun klamret seg som en liten apekatt til faren, hun hadde store, sinte øyne”. Med dette tror jeg at Maria og moren kranglet mye når Maria var liten over det med Jon, at hun var for mye sammen med han. Hun finner trøst hos faren, hun forteller om moren og hvor dum hun syns hun er. De store sinte øynene presiserer jo bare end mer om hvor sint hun var på moren.

I slutten av novella våkner Maria opp på berghylla etter at hun og Jon har overnattet der. Maria setter seg opp og oppdager en måke. ”Den stuper og stiger i buer over vannet. Hun følger den med øynene. Stuper, stiger, stuper. Så løsner sola fra havet. Lyset faller der han lå”. Jeg tolket denne setningen slik; livet har sine gode og vonde stunder, opp og ned turer, men det vil jo helst gå bra. Det gode i livet vil vise vei tilslutt. Den siste delen av setningen ” lyset faller der han lå” kan ha to betydninger. Den ene er at Jon har ikke nødvendig hvis forsvunnet fra der han lå, men at han har blitt en ny person som er mer uavhengig av Maria. Hun har vært borte så lenge at han har begynt å klare seg på egen hånd. Den andre betydningen kan være at måken finner igjen reiret sitt. Når en måke stuper og stiger mot vannet er dette et tegn på at den er redd, nervøs, urolig for noe. Den er kanskje redd for og ikke å finne igjen reiret, men så lyser solen på det ” der han (måken) lå”. Måken kan igjen være en metafor for Jon. Jon har hatt sine opp og nedturer, som for eksempel da Maria flyttet inn til byen, men tilslutt virker det som det ender bra.

Maria virker som en bestemt person. Hun er glad i Jon og ingen kan stoppe henne for å være sammen med han. Hun har kanskje hatt en litt tung barndom ettersom at hun tok seg av Jon i store deler av den, men ellers ser det ikke ut som hun slitt.

I den siste delen av novella våkner Maria opp på berghylla og oppdager en måke som stiger og stuper ned mot vannoverflate hele tiden. Hun oppdager at sola kommer opp og lyser opp der måken hadde reir. Jeg tror dette symboliserer at livet har sine opp og nedturer, men det vil helst gå bra tilslutt, at livets lyse sider vil lede deg tilslutt.

Jeg synes novella var ganske spesiell og vanskelig å forstå. Når du hadde lest deg ferdig satt du igjen med en haug med spørsmål ettersom at den sluttet så brått. Man måtte sitte lenge og vri på nesten hver eneste setning for å se og den egentlig kunne ha en annen betydning. En veldig mystisk og dyp novelle. Ellers syns jeg at den var bra.

onsdag 4. november 2009

Travel Blog 3.The Caribbean, Barbados

Long time, no see

I love this place, the sun, the beach, the people, the food, everything is perfect! when I'm winning a couple of millions in the lottery, I'm going to move from Norway and stay here for the rest of my life. Four days have gone like the wind and we have done so much. The first day, we arrived Brigdetown and found our hotel at 11.35 pm, Hilton Barbados. We went to bed because it was late, and we were tired. The second day, it was time for some sightseeing. We talked to a receptionist in the lobby,and she recommended " The Barbados Museuem"

The museum wasn’t boring at all; it was quite interesting and different for the Norwegian culture. Originally the museum was a British military prison. It was built in 1817 and converted into a museum in 1930. Inside you could listen and see pictures from Barbados’ past, you could also walked through the eighteen hundred years old plantation and se all the special flowers and trees. After the museum, we decided to find a store, buy some lunch and go back to the beach that was beside our hotel.

We found a store called Smile and went in. The little man who owned it seemed very kind; he smiled all the time and talked to us. I didn’t understand a word of what he was saying, but he didn’t care, he just kept on talking. The radio on the self beside his desk ,played Bob Marley “Don’t worry”. The reggae music is very popular in the Caribbean. We bought ice- tea, bananas, grapes and found the beach. The rest of the day went on, and in the evening we ate dinner in the hotel’s restaurant where there was more reggae.

Today we have shopped on Broad Street, where it was several centers and duty free stores, very cheap. As we walked trough "slum areas" we could see how poor a part of the people was, but still they were so warm and happy, they were laughing and smiling. It’s like they were living for the song” don’t worry, be happy”. Barbados has a population of 284 589 inhabitants and 2, 5 % of them are malnourished, that is 7115 people! After shopping for a while we went back to the hotel and to then to the beach for a swim before our last dinner on Barbados.

We arrived for three days ago, unaware that we were going to have such a great time, and tomorrow we are going home again, to cold and boring Norway with boring culture and boring food! But we had a great time, tree different continents on less than one week, not bad at all. We are certainly going back to one of these countries next summer. Last word: “Don’t worry, we are happy”!

tirsdag 3. november 2009

Travel Blog 2. Australia, Sydney

Kangaroos , Shopping and Didgeridoo

We went to the airport and found our plane. The though of sitting on a plane for fifteen hours was horrible, but we had to make the best out of it, so we bought magazines, choclate and ice-tea. Then we were ready for take-off. The first seven hours went on great. We talked a lot and watched a couple films , but then we started to get bored. Ingrid was a sleep and I started reading a magazin all over agian just to see if I had missed something , and I had. It was an article about the Australian flag, quite interesting. The Australian flag is navy blue and has Union Jack in the left corner of it.Union Jack is the U.K's flag. The reason why the British flag is on the Australian flag is because; in 1779 James Cook arrived the country and declared it belonging to England. James Cook wasn't the first person who discovered Australia. Before him it was the Indonesians, the Spanish captain Luis Vaez de Torres, the Dutch navigator Abel Janszoon Tasman and the English pirat and explorer William Dampier. To the right of the Union Jack there is the Southern Cross constellation and under the Union Jack there is a seven-pointed star which represent the six current stats and the seventh symbolise any future territories.

We landed at 5 o'clock in the morning, got our things and found the bus to our hotel, Stamford Sydney Airport Hotel. While we were un-packing, we decided that we didn't want to go to bed, even though we were tired after sleeping terrible on the plane. We couldn't spend our only day in Sydney sleeping. Happy and satisfied we sat on the bus into sydney city, ready for some shopping! As we were admiring the dry Australian landscape with huge rocks and green-brown shrubs, the bus suddenly stopped. The busdriver went out of the bus ,and so did the passengers. It was a kangaroo, he had been hit by a car and was lying in the middel of the road. People got closer and wanted to help the poor animal, but the busdriver stopped them by screaming: NO,NO! Don't turst it, you'll get hurt! He commended in to the bus again and called the police. As the bus turned and had to take another way into the city, the busdriver turned on his microphone; "a kick from a kangaroo can kill a person", was the only sentence I could understand og his Australian English.

Shopping in Sydney is heaven! All the stores and shopping-centres you can dream of. After running around, crazy from store to store using the credit card hotly for five hours, we decided to take a break and find a cafè.

You can't visit sydney without seeing the opera! It was enormous and had a fantastic architecture. For me it looked like a big flower that was in it's best flowering. We bought tickets for a tour. The house had 1000 rooms, including five theater halls, five exercise studios, two main halls, four restaurants, six bars and numerous souvenir shopes. Amazing!

Back to the hotel, there was a posting in the lobby saying, " We promise you an enchanting preformance for the famous didgeridoo-player, William Burton in the dinning room". We were both hungry and the concert was free, so why not? The food was delicious. Then the concert started and William Burton came up on the little stage with his guitar and didgeridoo( a flute from the Aborigines culture). Ingrid loved the music form the start, I was more skeptical to it. It sounded so creepy, and it wasn't that typr of music you dance to. The sound was like a buzz from a bie.

Now I 'm packing for tomorrow, while Ingrid is on her laptop, searching on YouTube for more music from William Burton, she's a fan now. Last word: today Sydney, tomorrow the Caribbean!

Good night :)

mandag 2. november 2009

Travel Blog 1. India, Delhi

Finally in India

About two hours ago we arrived New Delhi after been stuck on the same plane all the way from Oslo. We were tired and found a taxi, after we had got our baggage. The taxi was small, but the taxidriver seemed very nice. He talked about all the attractions and temples we had to visit, and about a restaurant he recommended. I think he called it "Yin Yang". It was funny to hear an inner talk English, because it was so different from the British English.

We passed officebuldings, colorful temples and small three houses. In the horizon we could see gigantic mountains with patches of snow and high grass dancing in the wind. It was like a landscape of a fairytail.We arrived the hotel, checked- in, and went to bed.

What an alarm clock!

Waking up to the sound of the imam shouting for Friday-prayer 7 o'clock in the morning was a new experience. The Friday-prayer was hold in Jami Masjid, India's largest mosque, with a capacity of 25 000 kneeling worshipers. I couldn't sleep and went out of bed to see how the weather was. The yellow shinning orange was looking down on me with a big smile.

After we have eaten breakfast, we were ready for some sightseeing. First- stop ;India Gate. It was much bigger than I thought it was. I heard that it was a memorial for the Indian soldiers who died under World War 1., when they fought against Afghanistan. The memorial wasn't a big stone with a lot of names on, but a great portal. It was surrounded by green parks and gigantic pools.

After walking around in different parks and taking a few pictures we decided to find the restaurant the taxidriver had recommended. It was a great place with excellent food and good service. Ingrid ordered Chane ki chaat(Indian chickpeas salad) and I ordered Gobhi alu(a dish consisting potatoes, rice, cauliflower and bread).

We were well fed and on our way out of the restaurant, when I managed to fall over a Hindu decorative jar. A man came running and helped me up and asked me if I was alright. He introduced himself as Shah Rukh Khan and we introduced ourselves and told him that we were from Norway. "Aah Norway, skiing, he said"After talking with him for a while about skiing, Delhi and Norwegian food, he told us that he was an actor. He didn't look familiar to us, so we didn't think he was a famous actor, but when we got back to the hotel and googled his name we found out that he was a well- know Bollywood star. He had played in many popular Bollywood- films and was very famous. Amazing! He was born in New Delhi and married to Gauri Khan, a well know model, producer and TV host. This was unbelievable; we had just talked to a Bollywood star!

We went to bed early this evening, because tomorrow we are going with the first plane to another continent, Oceania :)